Welcome Back To Magic School!

I would like to personally welcome all students and faculty back to McTavish International Academy Of Magical Sciences! The Professors and I also welcome the parents and special guests who are here for the Opening Ceremony along with the Initiation Ritual, where everyone takes the sacred oath to only use magic to serve the greater good of our paranormal planet. I highly encourage our returning students to render assistance to the newly enrolled as they go through the orientation process over the next week. Please implore them to stay within the protective cloaking spell of school grounds. We can’t have people and objects suddenly appearing out of thin air to those outside our supernatural community! You will surely see me strolling about the campus, observing our 691st school year in progress. Don’t hesitate to approach me with any questions or concerns you may have. Blessed be everyone within my hallowed halls! May this be a most illuminating year of educational discovery!🧙‍♂️

Headmaster Ian McTavish
Sorcerer Supreme