Summer School

Many students will take full or partial Summer Vacation depending on their long-term goals. Older students will often go on international vacations together and partake in exotic adventures to test their magical skills. Some will take classes throughout the Summer for various reasons that could include failure in certain subjects or an urge to learn even more! There are also those who only attend McTavish during the Summer and then go to a standard or private magic school the rest of the year.

Newly minted Professors will also train during this time after a brief summer sabbatical. By Summer’s end, they will be perfectly prepared to hold their first classes in Autumn. Various orphaned students and a handful of Professors call the Magic School their full-time home. They can be seen around campus even if not engaged directly in any Summer School activity. The McTavish International Academy Of Magical Sciences is always a peaceful refuge for all who seek protection from a cold cruel world.

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